Ayomide Adekoya

A sophomore at Princeton University studying Electrical and Computer Engineering with a minor in Computer Science.

Work Experience

From cybersecurity, to software engineering and even some game development. I have expanded my reach across many fields.

Connect with Me

As an upcoming Computer engineer, I am happy to connect with you. Let's discover and build the next revolutionary device together.


Here are some of my projects I've done over the past few years; solo or with a team.

A solo recreation of the popular pong game between user and CPU. Deployed using Replit and Javascript.

An AI career advisor developed with a team of 4 during my first Hackathon (Wearable Tech REMIXED 2024). Utilizes Python, CSS, Figma, CSS, HTML.

An implementable chatbot for media companies to provide song, movie or show recommendations based on a calculated "likeability" fact based on user's requests. Utilizes calls to the OpenAI API for responses, deployed through Vercel.

An implementable chatbot for media companies to provide song, movie or show Recommendations based on the user's input. Provides output based on a calculated "likeability" factor. Utilizes OPENAI API, Vercel, HTML